Mediu si Biodiversitate

European Organic Congress 2019

In perioada 20-21 iunie 2019 s-a desfasurat la Bucuresti, la Academia de Studii Economice, Congresul European privind Agricultura Ecologica 2019, organizat de IFOAM EU Group, Ministerul Agriculturii si Dezvoltarii Durabile si BIO Romania. 

Prezentarile se pot descarca de pe pagina de internet :
A new European organic action plan: Synergies between the EU, Member State, regional and city levels
• Ioana Dragos – North-West Regional Development Agency: Increasing SME Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Organic Sector (Regional Action Plans)
• Paul Holmbeck – Political Director, Organic Denmark: The Danish Model, Organic Policy as a Catalyst for Breakthroughs in Organic Farming and Market Development (and how the next EU action plan can help!)
Drafting the secondary legislation in an evolving global context
• Nicolas Verlet – Head of Unit, Organics, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission: Drafting the secondary legislation in an evolving global context
Interactive session: Emerging Technologies – what’s in it for organics? 
• Rogier Schulte – Farming Systems Ecology, Wageningen University & Research
• Arni Janssen – Farm Technology, Wageningen University & Research
When the best of technology meets the best of ecology, a little bit of magic happens!
 Technology – friend or foe? Insights from the experts
• Oskar Marko – Researcher, BioSense – Emerging Technologies
• Mute Schimpf – Food Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Europe – Digital farming: what can it deliver for the organic sector?
Success story: How organic is transforming food and farming
• Flavie Tiret – Retail and Export Manager, Interbio Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Bio Sud Ouest France, a brand which helps to strengthen relationships amidst the regional organic sector